
Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Get Behind The Wheels: Be In Charge!

Driving Is All About Confidence, Control And Calculations!!!!

& Women You Have It All In You…!!!


You know how well you keep your house in control; why not try out the wheels? Instead of always sitting beside the wheels, it’s time for you to get behind the wheels. Most often we get to hear a joke or sarcasm about "women-drivers". At least for once, we all have heard people complaining that women are not good drivers. This is a myth, not a fact and I completely disagree with this myth that women can’t get to driving better than a guy. Men have proven themselves in the field of cooking; simultaneously women have proved to be better drivers. Women can be good drivers, but all they need to do is find a good person to teach them and yes, practice a lot. I can guarantee you one thing that women can be slow drivers, but never reckless. A very few fatal accidents reported till date has women in the driving seat! Whereas, man are more prone to all these. This may be because women takes time, thinks a lot before deciding into one thing. The way she is so careful and sober while dealing with her children, her family, the same way she behaves even while holding the steering. 

Recently I went to an outdoor event organized by Toyota “The Liva Queen Contest”. It was a driving competition held for ladies to promote their newest car “Toyota Liva”. Hundreds of women within the age group 18-60 showed up for the contest. And surprisingly they performed so well. Right from knowing the basics of driving rules to the toughest T-parking and slope test, they just made their family proud. At no moment they looked scared or careless. They all were so chirpy yet so full of confidence. They just rocked it and one lucky girl within them took away the cash prize of 50k! Events like these shows how independent and smart women are now days.

Driving is a talent; it is a lifelong skill that will remain with you forever. Ability like this in today’s world is very useful in day to day life. Driving should never be underestimated as it can be very useful in emergency situations and even can save lives. A woman who can drive is an extra bonus for the family and proves to be the worthy companion for her partner in every way. So make up your mind and admit yourself to a driving school asap. Your family, especially your mother/father may have probably told you a thousand of times that driving can be extremely dangerous. I do agree this is true, but you can’t be constantly terrified and sit at home. The same parents do allow their sons to drive a bike or a car at a very tender age, also buy them expensive vehicles. Is it because of they are afraid of your safety or that they don’t have that much confidence in you. Many few women are lucky enough to get to learn driving
after their marriage. It’s a known fact that you get busy with your families and responsibility post marriage, but also can you expect to get that much of freedom (which you didn’t even get in your parents’ home) in your in-laws place? Don’t be naïve, face the reality, tell them and make them understand that whatever is fated will happen it can’t be stopped. An accident does not happen only on road, it may also happen at home, while sleeping in your cozy bed or while enjoying in the bathroom. So should we be that timid?

In that case, I was too lucky myself I must say. I had full support of my family, specially my mom (she is such an independent and smart women), also my father (though he was a little worried at the beginning, may be for the car…lol) and my kiddo sister (who is over-confident on me). I had an awesome instructor too. He taught me all the pros and cons and always told me to relax (He says” It’s just as easy as drinking a cup of milk, but with attention, so that it doesn’t get spilled!” So try to relax while driving, practice a lot because practice makes anyone perfect. If you go wrong at any time, don’t feel ashamed to admit. Don’t act irresponsible anyway. If you acknowledge your mistake, apologize humbly, no way you gonna be in trouble. 

This is a type of mental skill that would make you very confident from within. You will have all the freedom to travel anywhere and anytime you want to without depending on others. You would be appreciated always and sometimes you may even become someone’s point of jealousy. That admiring looks of people around, seeing you controlling the wheels always give me a high! It makes me so happy when my dad boasts about me in front of his friends, when my mom praises me saying a daughter like me is worth a hundred son and also when my sister adores me as her role-model. It is so heavenly a feeling! Inexpressible…

So, ladies set your mind, build confidence and get ready to conquer the roads.

PS:  Always focus on the front windshield and not the review mirror.” Colin Powell

Saturday, 4 May 2013

LoNeLiNess Bites!!!

10 Weird Things to do when You are Lonely!!!

Some things really bite, but loneliness the most!  

 May be you have the super-understanding boyfriend/girlfriend, the most loving family, more-than-friends siblings, fun-filled colleagues  but still you yearn for that special person-the one you can open your heart to. Ya, in my life I do miss that person. So, I really know that conflicting and unreasonable feeling of loneliness that you can never explain to any other person who has never been through this feeling. This secluded emotion is very hard to describe. This mysterious feeling comes in either two ways--social dejection or mental seclusion.  The first usually comes to people who have too much of work-load, family responsibilities or professional commitments, no time for any entertainment in life due to scarcity of time, but the later one prevails from childhood, sometimes when there has been lack of friendship or absence of meaningful persons/relationships in our life. 
But in any way this state of solitude is very depressing and painful. It makes us jealous of the people who are always surrounded by friends. It makes us feel pathetic when you see them sharing almost every terms and condition of their life. But you should not lose it totally, don’t lose hope; don’t depart from your confidence. Always remember it is a feeling, not the fact. You have to accept it and work it out in a positive way, isn’t? The most common complain today is loneliness. Today’s psychologists do agree with it. So what to do in this situation? Definitely not sulk!! Take the responsibility to make yourself happy. Try becoming your own best friend. Well here are some totally mind-blowing, yet weird ideas to divert your mind, occupy your scattered mind towards a creative direction in these tender moments.

      1. Invest time in your Hobbies!

It’s a great time to get engage in your hobbies. May it be your tremendous likings for 
reading books, gardening, painting, singing, writing etc. anything but get involve, to 
kill your loneliness. If you are too good at cooking, then it’s an awesome opportunity to enhance your culinary skills. Well this time, not for others, but for you. If you have a pet, then you longer going to feel lonely. Otherwise you can just try jotting down your experiences or ideas (just like am doing it now).

     2. Listen to Music, Music and only Music!

Goddamn it helps! Music is a great healer. Put your sound system in full volume with your favorite music on (unless its 12 in the midnight!) 
while doing your household chores. Sing out loud along with it. Scream out your emotions, let you be yourself. It definitely makes you feels like the owner of the house.

   3. Watch TV, Movies, Series…!

Watch any damn thing you like. Let the TV on, u won’t feel alone in the house. It feels like people are around you and they are talking. Those characters in your favorite serial are your new best friends. You can enjoy their company without having to know them personally. This is an absurd idea but it surely lets you preoccupy your time, makes you laugh, and just keeps you engaged like real friends do. And if it’s your favorite series or movies, then you will never know how time will fly.

   4. Pamper Yourself!

Put that expensive face pack on, which you have bought long ago but never got time to 
put on. Go for the special pedicure or spa treatment you always wanted. Or else make a home-made hair mask about which you have recently read on a magazine but never tried out due to lack of time. You can also try out those new dresses you got few days back. Or get a new shade of nail-polish. Click a snap of yourself; you do need a brand new profile pic for Facebook. Right? Just pamper yourself and you will feel beautiful inside yet not-lonely at all.

   5. Get Cyber-psychic!

Get full-on over the internet. Write, email, chat, video-chat and communicate in every possible way. Along with knowledge it provides tremendous entertainment. Facebook, Linked‘in, Twitter, Skype etc… all can keep you just engaged. Sometimes, FB friends can be very supportive I guess! Social media can be a lot of help, only when you are not over obsessed with it. Or else if you want to laugh your heart out just log on to YouTube and search for some funny videos over the world. I bet you will forget the creepy loneliness in you. My personal favorites are watching funny commercials, fail compilations, movie mistakes and all those funniest and shocking gossips! Try it and I don’t think it would be worthless.

 6. Eat Ice-creams and Chocolates (or any junks)!

Whoever has said “Women prefer chocolates more than sex” is not wrong at all!
 I being a chocoholic myself can really tell you how it is effective in forgetting your un-pleasantries of life. And don’t forget ice-creams- it makes you cool and its delicious taste comes as a reward to you. Also you can get hold of your favorite junk foods. A special plate of masala-puri or that crispy vada-pau may be is waiting just for you. It makes you feel back to school again, the age when you were crazy for small things like this. Try to find happiness in that tasty pizza, that delicious french-fries or that juicy falooda!

  7. Go Out, make a Move!

Move-out, make-out, just go and get some air. Who said you can’t go alone for shopping? You can definitely. Go out on a shopping spree; buy whatever you want to, may it be clothes, cosmetics or even grocery items. This way you can spend quality time with yourself.

   8. Try something New, something Remarkable!

Try something totally new. If you cannot cook, try making something, cook a real meal. Try writing a blog or journal, try painting or pick up a good book to read on. May be you can plan to learn a creative new skill like driving, swimming or dance.  Why not take up photography seriously now, or create anything innovative like a piggy bank, a flower vase or a picture collage. You will never know what hidden talent may come out within you! It would be a great surprise for you.

   9. Renovate, Clean and Organize!

Clean your surroundings, it will make you feel cool and hygienic. Why not renovate your room. You are no less than a celebrity. So why not live like them. Make it beautiful, different from the previous look, something unusual and you will feel so new. To organize your own feelings first organize your room; start with your wardrobe, your study-table or your jewelry box. Now see how positive you feel.

                                            10. Finally Dream on!

You must be thinking how dreaming can minimize your loneliness. But it does, try and see. Dream on about your future, your career and your relationships. Be optimistic! Always look on the brighter side of life! May be your not-so-lucky past might lead you to a picture-perfect future ahead. Be happy and content within yourself and think how you can give in fully to make your coming days worry-free. Be organized and plan accordingly. Keep dreaming and set yourself to run after it. Add that missing color to your dreams.